This COVID-Safe Plan is effective as of October 25th 2020. Last updated 23rd September 2021.
All on our team are fully vaccinated.

Physical Distancing

All client meetings will be held over the phone. During photoshoots, the photographer/s will stay 1.5m apart from clients at all practicable times.


We will have hand sanitiser on-hand, using it ourselves. We will ensure extra hand washing & sanitising is adhered to; ie before & after travelling, before starting a session.

Face Masks

A face mask will be worn by the photographer/s at all times appropriate under the current restrictions.

Health of the Photographer

If one of us is feeling unwell, we will self isolate, seek testing, and any photoshoots will be postponed. If one of our team is confirmed to have COVID-19, they will isolate for a minimum of 14 days, monitor for symptoms and seek medical advice.


All equipment being used for a photoshoot will be cleaned and sanitised prior to use. Clients are not to handle any of the photographer’s equipment.

Record Keeping

We will keep records of our job movements. In the event that one of us becomes unwell within 14 days after the event, we will contact the clients and any suppliers and inform them that we are undergoing testing and awaiting results. We will advise the clients of the results.

If one of our team members is COVID positive we will immediately notify the DHHS and WorkSafe.